Malcolm McLaren

Des­pués de una con­fe­ren­cia alguien pre­gun­ta a Mal­colm McLa­ren ‑ex mana­ger de los Sex Pis­tols- lo siguiente:

How do we get away from karao­ke culture?

¿Cómo pode­mos librar­nos de la cul­tu­ra «karao­ke»?

A lo que McCla­ren responde:

I think if you have to ask a child how does he deal with a cul­tu­re that basi­cally decla­res to be stu­pid is cool... And every­body seems to be able to enjoy that fact, is very, very hard for anyo­ne to peru­se lear­ning, to struggle.

When you don’t have to strug­gle, and every­body in a karao­ke cul­tu­re can be suc­cess­ful ins­tantly, how do you chan­ge that? Why do you think peo­ple are gon­na learn to struggle?

I think... is a pity tho­se old boys are­n’t still around to teach the other way. It is a pity becau­se the other way actually, at the end of the day is more sexy. I think is about sexi­ness. I think that the authen­tic is more sexy than karaoke...

Karao­ke is about fuc­king an infla­ta­ble doll... the authen­tic is about doing the real thing. That is the difference.

Con­fe­ren­cia de 50 minu­tos... muy, pero que muy recomendables.

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